5K 10:2596% There are VIOLENT HOSTILES In Our SUBMARINE – Barotrauma (Feat. Ironic and Dead, Noveva, Dranka)
6K 10:2595% There are VIOLENT HOSTILES In Our SUBMARINE – Barotrauma (Feat. Ironic and Dead, Noveva, Dranka)
6K 31:4391% New Barotrauma Campaign Ep 8 – Will This Burn Down The Station? (Among The Ancients Update)
9K 31:4391% New Barotrauma Campaign Ep 8 – Will This Burn Down The Station? (Among The Ancients Update)
3K 40:1672% 7 DAYS TO DIE – Ep 26 – Invasion mortelle et main d'œuvre zombie | ALPHA 20 | Let's play FR