6K 20:1292% Moving FORESTRY EQUIPMENT to the SAWMILL | Forestry on ERLENGRAT | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 51
3K 22:0877% Selling SILAGE BALES with MrsTheCamPeR | Animals on Gelderland | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 15
9K 21:4898% Moving to the new FARM and harvesting WHEAT | Hof Bergmann | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 1
3 21:2296% Baling & transporting STRAW BALES with John Deeres | Hof Bergmann | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 2
8K 19:4295% Buying a new SAMSON slurry spreader | Animals on Haut-Beyleron | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 52
9K 22:0886% Big SILAGE HARVEST with MrsTheCamPeR | Animals on Haut-Beyleron | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 39
8K 20:5593% New WINDROW and MOWERS for the FARM | Animals on Haut-Beyleron | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 34
8K 20:5878% Baling and collecting 27 STRAW bales | Animals on Frühling | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 2
5K 24:4098% Harvesting WHEAT and OATS on the new FARM | Animals on Frühling | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 1
8K 21:0194% HARVESTING 30 hectares of SILAGE | The French Plain | Farming Simulator 22 Multiplayer | Episode 13
3K 19:2696% TRANSPORTING and SPREADING manure on the FIELDS | Elmcreek | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 38
8K 20:0796% New EQUIPMENT and FEEDING ANIMALS | Animals on Haut-Beyleron | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 40
8K 19:3991% RESCUING TRUCK from the CREEK after BIG SNOWSTORM | Elmcreek | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 40
5K 27:0696% FARM tour and big WHEAT and BARLEY harvest 🌾🚜🚨 | Calmsden Farm | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 1
4K 17:3867% Buying Valtra T Series FOREST TRACTOR | Forestry on ERLENGRAT | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 39
6K 23:3497% Harvesting SILAGE with FIAT and PÖTTINGER | The Old Stream Farm | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 15
6K 22:4097% Valtra T Series woking in FOREST | Forestry on ERLENGRAT | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 40
9K 23:4596% Selling BIG GRASS SILAGE bales & buying NEW EQUIPMENT | Elmcreek | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 39
7K 25:3393% ANIMAL CARE, buying TRAILER & selling PRODUCTS | Calmsden Farm | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 18
4K 19:5976% Big CULTIVATION OPERATION with @kedex| No Mans Land – SURVIVAL | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 21
40 23:5867% Making HAY & GRASS bales with JCB & New Holland | Calmsden Farm | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 16
9K 24:0398% Exporting WOOD PRODUCTS to FELSBRUNN | Forestry on ERLENGRAT | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 37
6K 21:3396% Selling LIVESTOCK and building bigger CHICKEN COOP | Elmcreek | Farming Simulator 22 | Episode 37