7K 05:2394% Russian helicopters explodes in ball of flames | AA system in action | ARMA 3: Milsim Gameplay #5
8K 02:5991% Russian BMP-2 destroyed at ambush site | AT vs Tanks | ARMA 3 Military Simulator – Milsim Gameplay
7K 04:2192% Ambush on the Russian convoy ended successfully | AT Launcher vs Tanks | ARMA 3 Milsim Gameplay
8K 04:0291% Bullets passed through the helicopter | ANTI-AIR missile system in action | ARMA 3 Milsim Gameplay
5K 04:2790% Ukrainian Anti Tank Missiles destroying Russian Tanks |Javelin Missile | Arma 3 | MILSIM | Gameplay
5K 11:0072% ArmA 3 – AC-130 Gunship Mission – Combat Footage – Thermal Vision – AC 130 Simulation – Gameplay
8K 08:3987% Ukraine – Russian Helicopters shot down by Ukrainian air defense forces | ARMA 3: Military Simulator
3K 03:4995% Russian Tank destroyed at ambush site | AT vs Tanks | Military Simulator – ARMA 3 MILSIM GAMEPLAY
7K 08:0393% Bayraktar TB2 Drone Totally Destroyed Russian Cruiser Warships – Military Simulation – Arma 3