Space Marine 2 takes place nearly 200 years after the events of the original game, and both the universe and our titular character Titus have gone through their fair share of changes.
A lot can happen in the universe of Warhammer 40,000 over the course of 2 centuries. The destruction of Cadia, the return of Primarch Robute Guilliman, a new era of Primaris Space Marines, and so much more.
But, whether you’re going into Space Marine 2 fresh, are a fan of the original, or even a long time 40k fan, I’m here to give you the absolute essential lore and background that you need, leading into Space Marine 2.
00:00 – Intro
00:28 – Boltgun
02:31 – The fall of Cadia
03:28 – Roboute Returns
05:42 – Where has Titus been?
08:32 – Skip this bit to avoid Dave’s theories
09:41 – What is a Primaris?
11:49 – The Tyranids
12:50 – The Thousand Sons